Basic Commands For Linux
Here are the 30 commands for the Linux to perform Operation:
1. ls - List directory contents
2. cd - Change the current directory
3. pwd - Print the current working directory
4. mkdir - Create a new directory
5. rmdir - Remove a directory
6. touch - Create an empty file
7. rm - Remove files or directories
8. cp - Copy files and directories
9. mv - Move or rename files and directories
10. cat - Concatenate and display file content
11. less - View file content one screen at a time
12. head - Display the beginning of a file
13. tail - Display the end of a file
14. grep - Search for patterns in files
15. find - Search for files and directories
16. tar - Archive files
17. gzip - Compress files
18. gunzip - Decompress files
19. df - Report file system disk space usage
20. du - Estimate file space usage
21. ps - Report a snapshot of the current processes
22. top - Display Linux processes
23. kill - Terminate processes
24. chmod - Change file permissions
25. chown - Change file owner and group
26. sudo - Execute a command as the superuser
27. su - Switch user or become superuser
28. passwd - Change user password
29. ifconfig - Configure network interfaces
30. ping - Test a network connection